Thursday, April 27, 2006

Birth of a photoblog

This blog is officially done. I have a new photoblog that can be found here.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Two days in a row!

Today I officially had the worst TTC Subway ride in the history of my commuting career. Basically it took 2 hours to get to York U when it should take 1 ½ hours max. Once at York, Mat and I played an awesome match of pong before he beat me in the tie break (I’m going to blame it on my new paddle shown below). I had my revenge shortly thereafter on the squash court where I beat him 5-3.

In other news, problems on the soccer team are heating up while our supposed ‘leader’ has made it clear that he doesn’t intend to return the extra $1000 he collected from the players. Please sign the comment list if you are interested in an organized ‘Dog The Bounty Hunter’ style take down of this guy.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Im going to take that threat from Cher seriously and make a post.

Four Jobs I've Had:
1) The City - doing a bunch a data entry and other odd jobs.
2) The Cyclepath - Selling bikes and dealing with all of the wonderful customers who couldn't decide what height they wanted their seat post to be.
3) Vlearning - A company my Uncle started that gives seminars on mathematics software to teachers and principles. I worked IT for him for 3 seminars in Toronto and Ottawa.
4) Pharmacy - my mom hooked me up with a job at her pharmacy selling drugs!

Four Movies I Could Watch Repeatedly:
1) Old School
2) Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
3) The Wedding Crashers (Notice the trend with these first 3?)
4) Snatch

Four Places I Have Lived:
1) Kingston Rd. - Lived there until I was about 12 and then moved out to a bigger better house.
2) Lyall - Lived here for the last while and it was the perfect location for going to high school....although I always seemed to be late even though they are about 100 steps apart.
3) Cher's - I can pretty much say that over the last 2 1/2 years I have pretty much lived at Cher's place. Its my second home.
4) Costco - If you know me you know all about this.

Four TV Shows I Love:
1) Knight Rider
2) Medium
3) House
4) Family Guy

Four Vacation Spots I've Been To:
1) Germany
2) Italy
3) Austria
4) France (oh, and I've also been to Saskatoon!)

Four Favourite Dishes:
1) Kraft Dinner
2) Burger Palace - COBO
3) Timmy's Medium double double and double toasted seasame seed bagel with herb & garlic cream cheese.
4) Big dirty steak

Four Sites I Visit Often:

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1) Cher's house
2) Cottage
3) Queen St. West
4) Europe

Thats all folks. Hopefully I will feel inspired to update a little more often in the future.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The leech...

Tonight I went to class for a short while to get the information needed for the term. We were all reminded to go to the bookstore and get the required text book for the course, if we hadn't already done so. After leaving the class I figured I would go to the bookstore to purchase the book for this class (Management Information Systems) and also for my Marketing class. Most books that I have bought in the past were around $60, which I thought was pretty outrageous. Today was definitely a shock...

Management Information Systems - $140.00
Marketing - $90.00

That’s right, I paid over $250 (after taxes) for two text it just me or is that uncalled for? I realize these books contain the information required to realize my full potential and eventually make the 'big bucks'...but please. The scariest part about the whole thing is that I potentially have 3 more text books to buy for this term.

That’s my rant for the day…thanks for listening.

Tomorrows schedule:
Morning – Ping-pong & Squash
Afternoon – Se7en (the movie) & then dinner downtown (Spadina Gardens)
Evening – Quality time at Chers

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Look at those people living...

While out with Mat on a Tim Horton's run, Mat found himself watching people living through a giant window. Though I can't explain it, they were definitely 'living' in the truest sense of the word. After a short conversation about watching people live I realized that the car ahead of us had a license plate that read ABCS 576. I thought it was an interesting license plate but I certainly wouldn't spend the money for such a weak vanity plate. If the Ontario government wants to increase its revenues and lower taxes they should sell profanity plates. Deep down, everybody wants a license plate that says something like 'balls'. People would be willing to pay large sums of cash to sport profanity plates. What do you think?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Out of ideas...

I put all of my effort in to Mat's blog design and now I can't think of anything to do for mine. I have been sitting on the couch since 10am this morning doing nothing but watching Everydody Loves Raymond and editing the blog.


Chillin' out maxin...

Lets get this off the ground.